given to fate
Given to fate
Broken home, oh broken home
They build you up, day and night
Stone by stone
Laying a brick, laying my fate
Slowly, hate spilling over, it's too late
Broken home, broken life
Life and Mind gone, been broken, hear my song
Broken home, what have they done, ghosts of their past
And I died to be loved, couldn't bear, been shun
They couldn't birth, born to a machine
They gave me to this world, slave of a dream
They gave me no love, nurtured by hate
Alone in a broken home, alone, hear my fate
On a faithful night, in the company of my personal dark
Stars gone,
by myself
So alone, so dark,
creeping on
Hear a whisper, echoing,
mad so mad,
Broken home
Broken home
You broke my love